专辑介绍: 在为剑桥国王学院发行的第二张专辑中,竖琴老师兼校友帕克·拉姆齐演奏了著名作曲家尼科·穆赫利和编剧爱丽丝·古德曼的《The Street》,这是一部基于十字架十四站的竖琴独奏、旁白和抒情的戏剧性新作品.完整形式的“The Street”将三个声音元素:帕克竖琴、罗西·希拉尔的旁白和剑桥国王学院合唱团的童谣结合在一起,以独特优美的方式有力地呈现了耶稣最后的日子。竖琴独奏作品的版本也包括在内。继帕克·拉姆齐的第一张专辑 JS Bach 用竖琴演奏的“哥德堡变奏曲”大获成功后,这张专辑还收录了 C 小调第二组曲 BWV 826 的表演。 曲目列表: 01.I. Sinfonia 02.II. Allemande 03.III. Courante 04.IV. Sarabande 05.V. Rondeau 06.VI. Capriccio 07.Station I. Jesus is condemned to death 08.Station II. Jesus takes up his Cross 09.Station III. Jesus falls for the first time 10.Station IV. Jesus meets his Mother 11.Station V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross 12.Station VI. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus 13.Station VII. Jesus falls for the second time 14.Station VIII. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem 15.Station IX. Jesus falls for the third time 16.Station X. Jesus is stripped of his garments 17.Station XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross 18.Station XII. Jesus dies on the Cross 19.Station XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross 20.Station XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb 21.Station I. Jesus is condemned to death 22.Station II. Jesus takes up his Cross 23.Station III. Jesus falls for the first time 24.Station IV. Jesus meets his Mother 25.Station V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross 26.Station VI. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus 27.Station VII. Jesus falls for the second time 28.Station VIII. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem 29.Station IX. Jesus falls for the third time 30.Station X. Jesus is stripped of his garments 31.Station XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross 32.Station XII. Jesus dies on the Cross 33.Station XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross 34.Station XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb 艺术家介绍: 帕克·拉姆齐(Parker Ramsay),是一位竖琴演奏家、作家和公共演讲者。他对现代和古代的竖琴驾轻就熟,他把时间花在处理新的和表演不足的作品上,并把乐器带给新的观众。他曾与Marcos Balter、Nico Muhly和Josh Levine合作,多次受哥伦比亚大学米勒剧院、菲利普斯收藏馆、美国斯波莱托音乐节、IRCAM、普林斯顿声音厨房、剑桥大学国王学院和加拿大艺术委员会的委托进行演出。